Category Archives: personal

2010 Resolutions

So it’s a new year, and I have a few resolutions. Our health trainer at work gave us some S.M.A.R.T. guidelines to help us succeed with this sort of thing. Specific – “I will exercise for 3 hours/wk” as opposed … Continue reading

Posted in grlug, grpug, linux, personal, python, tech, wmlug | 2 Comments

Georgie the Teenager

Most mornings, I get up around 6AM, go to the bathroom, and put my contacts in. By the time I reach George’s room, he is standing in his crib grinning and talking, ready to start his day. This morning, he … Continue reading

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Two new Georgie Videos

Here are a couple new Georgie dancing videos for your enjoyment. Georgie rockin’ out to his favorite song, Rock Lobster Georgie playing with his car radio

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Georgie Skills Update

Here are a few things Georgie recently started doing: Colors: He has a little book from the new day care and he can identify and pronounce several colors: white, black, red, and purple. He often misidentifies blue as purple, but … Continue reading

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New Georgie Videos

I hadn’t made any Georgie videos in a while – he really keeps us busy now that he’s running around. I finally sequestered myself in the computer room last week and put these together: Kitchen Hockey (Feb 2009) Collecting Easter … Continue reading

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