Category Archives: george

Watch D.O.G.S.

Note: I wrote this post in Nov 2012, but I didn’t publish it until April 2013 – the morning before me second Watch D.O.G.S. experience. I was re-reading it this morning and decided to clean it up and post it. … Continue reading

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Four Forty-Five This Morning

I was making out with my wife in our bunk in a mining colony on an alien world run by our teleporting trans-dimensional sparkly vampire overlords who prefer to travel by miniature steam train when I woke up to George’s … Continue reading

Posted in fluff, george, personal | 1 Comment

Choice Georgie

Anyone who’s talked to him knows that 26 month old George is quite a character. He’s really expressing himself lately, and we can understand a lot more of what he says. Here are a few recent amazing and funny interactions … Continue reading

Posted in george, personal | 2 Comments

Cyber Security and Digital Threats

Network security is the practices and technology a business puts in place to protect its IT infrastructure, including hardware, databases, and software, from security vulnerabilities and the attacks they might represent. It’s also the number one threat in businesses today. … Continue reading

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George the Geek

We were watching the Star Trek The Next Generation episode “I Borg” at dinner last night. When Hugh (a borg) started talking, George pointed at him and called him “robot”.

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