Category Archives: tech

Kivy – Interactive Applications and Games in Python, 2nd Edition Review

I was recently asked by the author to review the second edition of “Kivy – Interactive Applications in Python” from Packt Publishing. I had difficulty recommending the first edition mostly due to the atrocious editing – or lack thereof – … Continue reading

Posted in grpug, Kivy, python, tech | 2 Comments

A Series of Tubes (for Transportation)

Hello world!

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Wait long enough and someone will do it for you

Like many of you, I have a crap-ton of ideas, and I get new ones every day. Until about 2009 I never bothered to write them down, or even discuss them with anyone. They’ve always been just sort of interesting … Continue reading

Posted in personal, tech | Leave a comment

GRDevDay 2013 and My Kivy Talk

I was lucky enough to give a talk about Kivy – a multi-touch, cross-platform Python GUI and application framework – at GRDevDay 2013. Although my talk was the least-attended talk I went to all day, I enjoyed giving it and … Continue reading

Posted in android, grpug, Kivy, python, tech | Leave a comment

Some Google+ Page and Community Setup Tips

The relationship and difference between a Google+ Page and a Google+ Community eluded me at first. After having created a few of each for the various user groups I’m involved with, I think I have a handle on how to … Continue reading

Posted in internet, tech, troubleshooting | 2 Comments