Category Archives: fluff

Four Forty-Five This Morning

I was making out with my wife in our bunk in a mining colony on an alien world run by our teleporting trans-dimensional sparkly vampire overlords who prefer to travel by miniature steam train when I woke up to George’s … Continue reading

Posted in fluff, george, personal | 1 Comment

An Idea for Improving ArtPrize Voting

The Idea: Check in via mobile at each piece of art you visit Most everyone agrees that the top 10 winners of ArtPrize 2011 are terrible. Why is this? I think it’s because the voting is so unrestricted. You can … Continue reading

Posted in fluff, rant | 4 Comments

Pump Up the RAM

The guys in #ubuntu-us-mi were talking about “pumping up the ram” in a System76 laptop, and as always happens whenever someone mentions pumping up anything, Tecknotronic‘s “Pump Up the Jam” started looping through my head. Due to being fueled by … Continue reading

Posted in fluff, grlug, linux, planet-ubuntu-users, tech, wmlug | 2 Comments


I love this short story by Terry Bison. The flapping meat always makes me laugh.

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Awesome Cartoon

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