An Idea for Improving ArtPrize Voting

The Idea: Check in via mobile at each piece of art you visit

Most everyone agrees that the top 10 winners of ArtPrize 2011 are terrible. Why is this? I think it’s because the voting is so unrestricted. You can vote for anything and as many things as you want to. Heck, there’s no attempt to even determine whether you’ve actually seen the exhibit you’re voting for or against.

I think checking in at each exhibit would greatly improve the quality of voting at ArtPrize.

This could be accomplished by a few methods, from simple to more complicated:

  • Typed in code (can be abused by someone posting a list of all codes)
  • QRCode (can be abused by someone posting a pic of all QRCodes)
  • QRCode + GPS check
  • RFID (need special equipment)

Then you can do things like:

  • Your votes are weighted based on how many exhibits you actually visited
  • Give a maximum number of votes based on how many exhibits were visited (1 for every 10 exhibits)
  • Restrict voting only to exhibits you’d actually visited

This would give attendees:

  • A convenient list of the art they’d seen over the voting period (it’s hard to search site now)
  • A short list to help decide what to vote on (if restricted # of votes)

Statistics from this could be used to determine things like:

  • How big of an effect venue has
  • Whether the voting window is large enough for people to see everything

New types of prizes and games also become possible:

  • Souvenir or virtual badge for people who visit 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% of exhibits
  • Badge for people who visit all of a type of exhibit (paintings, sculpture, etc)
  • Badge for people who visited everything in a venue
  • Most raw votes (current)
  • Highest % of votes by visitors
  • Most visited exhibit
  • Most visited venue
  • Venue-specific prizes like:
    • Most votes at a venue
    • Highest % of votes at a venue
So what do you think? Feel free to chime in with your ideas and opinions below.
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