Turkey Stroganoff

I took one of the staples of the Rousch-male diet (Hamburger Helper Stroganoff) and tweaked it a bit.

The Recipe:

  • 1 box of Hamburger Helper Stroganoff
  • 1 lb of ground turkey instead of beef
  • 1 tablespoon of onion powder
  • 1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of Basil
  • Dash of Paprika
  1. Begin by browning the ground turkey
  2. Near the end of the browning of the meat, add the Wocestershire, onion powder, paprika, and basil
  3. Use a little less water and a little more milk than the box suggests.
  4. Serve with buttered bread

Now you’re eating like a Rousch man!

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Equity Loans

An equity loan means the loan provider takes a percentage stake in the property in return for payment of the principal and interest on the loan. There are many different types of equity loans, all depending on the types of equity you have and whether you intend to remain in the property after the loan is fully repaid, be sure to learn more about it if you’re planning on buying a house.

Your mortgage lender like the ones at Prosper may be able to help you understand the different types of equity loans available to you and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Equity loans that involve the mortgage are usually most popular. There is always a small chance that the value of your home can increase during the loan term, but this is rare, and it will almost certainly be very expensive for you. If you’re looking to make money, you might consider investing in Top Platforms to Trade Crypto UK.

However, according to FIG Loans reviews, there are also equity loans that involve only a second mortgage, usually called a debt to equity mortgage. This is also a very popular type of loan, but it usually involves high initial costs.

This type of loan is most suitable for people who expect to own their home for longer than three years.

Types of equity loans include:

  • Borrower owned loans: Loans that are backed by the equity in the borrower’s home.
  • Principal and interest only loans: Loans that use money in the borrower’s account. The principal and interest are not added to the mortgage value.
  • Loan to value loans: Loans where the mortgage value is determined by the loan amount. Loans that provide maximum monthly payments, but do not provide a fixed amount of money to the borrower each month.

A mortgage contract: Mortgage contracts are legally binding agreements between the mortgagor and a lender. They do not need to be registered in the Land Registry. For example, a mortgage contract could be used by a car dealership to finance a car, but not by a seller of land. This is usually because the terms are intended to be flexible. For example, if the sale price is the same for the vehicle loan and the land contract, the car dealer could refuse to loan the land contract.

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Spaghetti Sauce

Here is the recipe that all of my fans have been waiting for: Ben’s Famous Spaghetti Sauce! This recipe has been painstakingly assembled over the last decade, and it may change if I find another ingredient that goes well with it.

The Recipe:

  1. Mix the following in a pan:
    • 1 jar of Prego Mini-meatballs
    • 1/4 cup of red wine
    • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon of honey
    • Small can of sliced mushrooms
    • 1/2 of a fresh tomato, chopped
    • 1/4 cup of Italian blend shredded cheese
    • 1/4 cup of dried minced garlic
    • 1/4 cup of dried onions
    • 2 tablespoons of dried Basil
    • 1 tablespoon each of dried Oregano and Parsley
    • 1 teaspoon of Paprika
  2. Let the whole thing simmer for at least 15 minutes.


  • This is the ultimate-deluxe version of the recipe. Many of the ingredients can be left out to suit your tastes, but the proportions should remain about the same.
  • I prefer the texture of the dried onions and garlic to fresh stuff, which is why I use it.
  • Make sure the mixture gets hot enough to melt the cheese.
  • Watch out for boiling lava splatters!
  • If you want less gas the next day, don’t use the mini-meatball flavor.
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The Daily Grind for 9/17/06

We started the day with a walk at the dog beach. The wind was blowing at about 15MPH so there were some big waves (3-4ft). I tried but cound’t get the dogs to try swimming in the big old waves; they just sat on the beach and barked at me. We also saw a bloated squirrel that looked it had drowned, and a 24″ dead fish that Tara tried to rescue.

Afterwards, I put up shelves for boxes of screws and nails and painted the vent for the bathroom we are almost done with refinishing.

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The Daily Grind for 9/16/06

We put up the pegboard and a bunch of the tools in the garage workspace today. It is looking pretty good!
I actually watched a football game today: UM vs Notre Dame. Michigan pummelled the Fighting Irish like they were a high school team. It could be a good year for the Wolverines.
I also set up a Kubuntu PC for Steph and her brood. It’s has: AMD Duron 950MHz CPU, 512MB DDR333 RAM, 6GB hard drive for root and swap, 30GB hard drive for home, 56k external modem. It is running smoothly, and is one of the best Kubuntu machines I’ve put together.
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