Checking out the Ubuntu Doc Team

I’ve been using Ubuntu since its beginning, but have not contributed much back to the community that has given me so much. I have decided its high time to rectify that, so I am contributing to the Ubuntu Doc Team where I think my skills will fit in best.
I use the Ubuntu wiki and help pages all the time, so I’m going to start there. A lot of pages need some spell checking, re-organizing, and general TLC.
I have started out by creating a wiki page for Quickbooks Enterprise Data Server which I have been pretty involved with at the Quickbooks forums. I was keeping a set of installation instructions on my personal site, but it makes much more sense for them to be on the Ubuntu wiki. I have no idea why I didn’t just put them up there in the first place.
I’m looking forward to contributing, and I’ve got three years of slacking to make up for!
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VMWare Server on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

It always takes a while after a new Ubuntu release to iron out problems installing VMWare. I finally found instructions for installing VMWare Server 1.0.6 in Hardy Heron, in the Ubuntu Wiki. Imagine that!

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Postgresql in Ubuntu 6.04 Dapper Drake

This is the process I use to install and configure Apache2, Postgresql, PhpPgAdmin, and remote access for PgAdmin3 in Ubuntu Dapper.

Install apache2, postgresql, and php-postgresql packages

sudo apt-get install apache2 postgresql-8.1 php5-pgsql

Install phpPgAdmin

tar -xzf phpPgAdmin-4.1.3.tar.gz
sudo mv phpPgAdmin-4.1.3 /var/www/phpPgAdmin

Configure phpPgAdmin

sudo nano -w t /var/www/phpPgAdmin/conf/
  $conf['servers'][0]['host'] = '';
  $conf['servers'][0]['host'] = 'localhost';

Set postgres password

sudo -u postgres psql template1
alter role postgres with password 'password';

Enable remote access from LAN using password

sudo nano -w /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/postgresql.conf
  addresses = 'localhost'
  listen_addresses = '*'
  host all all md5

Access postgresql via phpPgAdmin

phpPgAdmin on localhost

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Apt-get tab completion in Ubuntu 6.04 Dapper Drake

Dapper does not come with tab completion in apt-get. To get it, you can copy the /etc/bash_complete file from a Gutsy or newer install to the same location on Dapper. Then just restart bash.

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It’s a Boy!

We got the news at yesterday’s ultrasound: it’s a boy. I have posted a bunch of the ultrasound pics in the official baby photo gallery. The kid looks good so far: ten fingers and ten toes, long legs, and a cute face.

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