WMLUG Presentation – Intro to Mono

I gave this presentation at the West Michigan Linux User’s Group last night. Next month I will demonstrate GTK# by creating a GUI wrapper for PDFTK.

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Ubuntu Global Bug Jam

Bad weather has kept me from joining the Michigan LoCo in Macomb today, but I won’t let that keep me from jamming bugs. I’ve cleaned out part of the office/workout room we never use and cobbled together a dual screen setup for myself. My trusty IBM Thinkpad T30 is at the center of the configuration. This laptop has not run anything but Ubuntu since I purchased it in 2006, so it is ready to get to work improving the OS
My plan is to work on bugs in programs that I use at home and at work which do not get as much attention as the mainstream programs such as Firefox, Pidgin, and OpenOffice.org. The programs in this category that I will be working on are Mono, XSP, Monodevelop, and Zimbra. I also want to work on bugs in programs that – after some improvement – are important for bringing Ubuntu to the masses: the Kino non-linear DV video editor, and Wine.
So, without further ado, off I go to squish some bugs!

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An Architectural Masterpiece in Megablocks

George has quite a few Megablocks now, and I always find myself building things with them. This is probably the most interesting structure I’ve created.

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Karel and Heather Wii Boxing

Any good party has to have at least one fight. Karel and Heather provided one for us at our New Year’s party.

A larger version of this video is available here.

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Sewage Backup

I went down to the basement to (finally) get the Christmas tree, and I ran into a puddle of sewage. The city came out and unclogged the pipe, but all of these clothes and comforters are soaked with stink. If you look closely, you can see some brown trout swimming in there.

I threw out all the sewage-soaked clothes and sprayed the trout back down the drain. Then I bleached and scrubbed the whole floor. It looks a lot better now.

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