Georgie Skills Update

Here are a few things Georgie recently started doing:

Colors: He has a little book from the new day care and he can identify and pronounce several colors: white, black, red, and purple. He often misidentifies blue as purple, but that is understandable since the blue is kind of dark. Much as he used to fill in words he didn’t know with “bot”, he now fills in colors he doesn’t know with “dumb” (yellow, green, orange).

Body Parts: He can identify several of his own body parts by pointing at them: hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, arm, belly, leg, foot. He also identifies his hands and fingers by wiggling them, and his teeth by grinding them.

Music: He can whistle through a recorder, but not play the holes. He can drum on things and seems to be getting a little bit of the beat. He can play the harmonica similar to the recorder. He can play a small xylophone and is getting a little bit of non-randomness in the music. He sings small parts of songs he has heard often, and makes up short nonsense songs in the car.

Words: He can say a lot of words, and understands way too many to list. If you ask him to go get something, he probably will. We play a sort of Where’s Waldo game with a couple of his story books, and he can locate and identify just about anything on any of the pages (dog, bird, flower, ball, fish, shoe, hat, cookie, cup, door, giraffe, car). He often asks, “Wa sa” (what’s that) and points at something he can’t identify.

As an example of how active he is, Lori recently described a 15 minute timespan this morning after I left:

I am missing my sun glasses and my gray comb. Please don’t take out the trash yet until I have a chance to look. He was running around the house giggling and I caught him in the trash. He also took his shoes off and hid them under the couch, socks were in the toy box. Then he wanted me to chase him to put them back on. He was in a very good mood this morning and kept telling me to “stop it” as I tried to eat my breakfast. Then he tried to take my spoon.

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Planet Test Post

This post is a test of the GRLUG and GRPUG Planets. This is only a test. If this had been a real blog post, there would have been more interesting information here.

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Remove Duplicate Files in iTunes

Apple, in its inifinite idiocy, decided that iTunes does not need an easy way to remove duplicate songs en masse. I recently copied my MP3 libraries from three different sources into one place, so there were a lot of duplicates. Rather than take off work for the next two months to remove the duplicates one at a time through iTunes, I whipped up a quick Python script to remove the files.

The duplicates had a single space followed by 1 or two at the end of the file name. For instance:
Blondie – Heart of Glass.mp3
Blondie – Heart of Glass 1.mp3
Blondie – Heart of Glass 2.mp3

My simple script uses this situation to recurively decend through multiple layers of folders and delete the extra files. Here it is:

import os

path = "/Volumes/Untitled/Music"

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for file in filenames:
f = str(file).strip()
if f.endswith(' 1.mp3') or f.endswith(' 2.mp3'):
fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
print 'Deleting ' + fullpath
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Two New Georgie Videos

I put up a couple more Georgie videos.

In this one, Georgie treats us to a harmonica solo in the car.

In this one, Georgie watches himself as I record him on the eeePC laptop. I guess he doesn’t realize he’s watching himself, because he makes the comment, “That guy is funny!”

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Save Rhythmbox State at Shutdown

At the latest GRLUG meeting, Steve asked if anyone knew of Linux podcast/MP3 playing software that would save its current position between shut downs. We couldn’t come up with anything at the meeting, but the next day I found an unofficial plugin for Rhythmbox that would make it remember its last song and position at shutdown, and restore them when it started up. The script is written in Python, and works with no configuration. Amazing!

Posted in grlug, linux, planet-ubuntu-users, tech, wmlug | 5 Comments