Category Archives: python

My Principle

I watched Bret Victor’s talk “Inventing on Principle” last night and since then I have been thinking about what My Principle could be. Bret Victor – Inventing on Principle from CUSEC on Vimeo. The most troubling “bug” I see today … Continue reading

Posted in android, grlug, grpug, grwebdev, internet, linux, planet-ubuntu-users, python, rant, tech, ubuntu-michigan, wmlug | 2 Comments

Machine Vision at GRPUG

The vast majority of the software I write doesn’t interact with the physical world outside of a mouse, keyboard, and monitor. I think part of this is because I’m a lazy coder, and the digital world is so much easier … Continue reading

Posted in grlug, grpug, internet, linux, planet-ubuntu-users, python, tech, ubuntu-michigan, wmlug | Leave a comment


I had the honor of attending the first TEDx Grand Rapids last week. There was only seating for about 500 people, so you had to apply to attend and then be picked by one of the organizers. I was delightfully … Continue reading

Posted in grlug, grpug, internet, linux, personal, planet-ubuntu-users, python, tech, ubuntu-michigan, wmlug | 11 Comments

Open Source Translations

At the May 2, 2011 Grand Rapids Python User Group (GPRUG) meeting, Dave Brondsema talked to us about his forays into the internationalization (i18n) and localization (L10n) of Sourceforge’s new open source project hosting platform, Allura. He revealed that in … Continue reading

Posted in grlug, grpug, internet, linux, planet-ubuntu-users, python, tech, ubuntu-michigan, wmlug | 1 Comment

CSS3 at GRWebDev

We had another great GRWebDev meeting last Monday. The topic was CSS3 and about 55 people attended. Topher covered some basic new CSS3 features. John Hwang of Mutually Human Software introduced us to easier CSS organization and generation via SASS … Continue reading

Posted in grpug, internet, python, tech | 1 Comment