One of my New Year’s resolutions is to do away with Apple and move myself to Linux for my home computing needs. I have now copied my audio files (~7000 mp3s and Flacs, ~45GB) to Ubuntu and am using Rhythmbox for my audio playing needs. This move went very smoothly and Rhythmbox had no trouble indexing my collection.
I got a 4GB Sansa Clip+ for Christmas from my wonderful wife. This nifty little thing plays MP3, Ogg, and Flac, charges over USB, has an FM radio built-in, and many other features. I love it so far! However I have filled it up rather quickly, and that is due to putting a too many high bitrate MP3s and Flac files on it. So I am in the market for an audio syncing program or Rhythmbox plugin that will down-sample audio as it is synced to a device.
My next step is to move my 5,000 – 10,000 photos from iPhoto to probably F-Spot. I started by exporting all of my photos out of iPhoto to a folder, and copied the folder to my Linux laptop. There are about 16,000 files in the export, and many of them are duplicates or lower-resolution versions of the same file. Grrrr, iPhoto. I think this is going to be a pain in the ass to sort through, but it is just a one time annoyance.