I recently settled on Python as the programming language I will be investing my time towards. To help me learn and network with knowledgeable folks, I have started the Grand Rapids Python Users Group. The idea is to meet to talk about best practices in Python and programming in general, demonstrate various Python modules, and get to know some cool people with more programming experience than I have.
So far, I have done the following:
- Created the GRPUG Google Group
- Bought the GRPUG.ORG domain name
- Created a simple web site placeholder on my Slicehost account
- Added GRPUG to the big list of Python User Groups on the Python wiki
- Announced it over various geeky channels I’m associated with: GRLUG, WMLUG, GR-JUG, Twitter, Identi.ca, and MichiPUG
The group was inspired by the various Linux and Java groups I’ve been attending, and all the talk I’ve heard from the MichiPUG group located on the east side of Michigan. It seems like they do a lot of interesting things over there, and I think we can do almost as well over here.
I’m looking forward to getting this thing going, and if it sounds interesting to you, head on over to the GRPUG web page and sign up!